November 23, 2005


Ahhhh next week's Lost looks sick!

P.S. like who didn't get teary-eyed when Bernard and Rose finally got back together!

P.P.S. Does it make any sense that Kate looks like she picked Sawyer, but then next week we see her kissing Jack? Geez. Pick a man already.

P.P.P.S. Just remembered the timer goes out!!!! Ahh the insanity

P.P.P.P.S. Sadly I think I'm more excited over a preview for next week's episode. However, I still greatly enjoyed tonight's ep.

November 17, 2005


Yay Sens are playing tonight and they better win! Who am I kidding? They've only lost three games so far. They're kicking some asssss. And Heatley is unstoppable!

Did you people read the Ottawa Citizen today? Apparently after their poll to name the crazy offensive line (Alfredson, Spezza and Heatley) the people voted for the "Cash line'. I believe they said it stood for two things: 1) Captain Afredson, Spezza, Heatley or 2) Cash, as in the amount of money they'll bring in. I think the runner up names were the "Dash line", and the "Dazzle line" (*cough* gay).

Ah well, I hope we do well, and that we haven't lost our winning streak. And just as a last note on hockey..I would just like to say CBC is totally biased towards showing the stupid toronto games instead of Ottawa games on saturday nights. They get a giant BOO from me! (And yes I do realize it's still only thurdsay, calm down)

November 09, 2005

Duuuuude! Has it been a week since I last posted? Where does the time fly? OOOhhhh I remember last week was insanity with papers and such. My how my brain forgets.

Let's see what's new in Katie's life. Hmm...I'm going to be house sitting my neighbours house over winter (I get paid 10$ a week to go over to her house and make sure things haven't burnt down or anything... free money!). What else, oh yes, my grandparents are coming down from Sudbury to visit tomorrow. On friday, Neary is finally coming to Carleton so I can show her the cute research prof...and maybe make sure she's still alive. (neary sneak naralyn in your bag!!)

In other news, my orchid is still alive (touch wood) and I damn near killed my lucky bamboo by *cough* accidently giving them orchid food. Who knew lethal doses of nitrogen might make something almost die? Geez. Okay, I'm exaggerating, some of the leaves turned brown...not all is lost.

Speaking of LOST!!! OMG apparently tonight's episode is supposed to be total insanity!!! I can't wait. Personally, I've found the last few episodes a bit slow going, but I still have great faith in the show. I would honestly pay good money to see Dave and his friends watching it tonight. Hilarious.

Anyway, that's about it y'all. Goblin (my cat) says hi from his comatose sleep on my bed.

kate the great

November 01, 2005

Ah, the insanity has finally settled down and all is well once again. Life is still pretty hectic, but things have actually been looking pretty good (and I'm not just talking about my Research professor hehe). I have a smallish paper due this Thursday, but after that I don't have anything due until November 18th! I won't know what to do with all the free time!!

Oh and Neary I forgot to tell you! My religion class can get a bit boring, so me and this guy I know were both pretty bored, so I made him an origami throwing star to give him something to play with. He was so impressed he decided to make me something...can you only guess? Yeah like ten minutes later he produces all these little people made out of paper. He then decided to make a plane to put them in, then he made some weird gun of sorts and a fortune teller. lol, it was cute.
Unfortunately I couldn't stop laughing and there was no one sitting in front of us, for literally ten rows, so I had to act all cool because the stupid teacher kept sending death signals my way, hehe. I'm a rebel.

I really hope you guys are keeping your cool through exam time. And Dave avoid the a book! kidding. That would just be crazy talk now!

Katie :D