August 18, 2006

Toronto, Tires, and Tears...

Well it's been an exhausting few weeks.

The Toronto trip last week turned out to be pretty fun. I made lots of money, ate nothing for four days, and had little to no sleep. But it was still fun...minus the completely insane Toronto suicide drivers.

This is pretty much my first real day back in Ottawa since the 8th of August. This is mainly because after I got home from Toronto, the very next morning I went up to my cottage and came back yesterday. Now it just so happened that the two shifts I had scheduled for this week were in Arnprior (20 mins out from cottage) so I had the death-defying experience..I mean pleasure, of driving there myself. (And let me clarify "driving myself" does not mean driving by myself- oh how the parents road shotgun)

Now why is this important? Because the second time driving up there, as im entering the Canadian Tire parking lot (where I was working that day) I smash into a curb while turning, and completely destroy a tire. Now this is Katie we're taking about so nothing is that simple.

Of course my dad happens to be in the car at the time, because for some reason they thought I needed more practice driving (boy were they wrong!). But to really pour salt in the wound I did this all in front of 10 of my co-workers! In fact I had been staring at them when I hit the really they are to blame!
Ok maybe not. Either way, this little "tire incident" has set me back 329$ Why so expensive for a tire? Well because it's really two tires! Apparently, on a front wheel drive van you can't have just one tire replaced because it screws things up, so two are needed. (Though I do think there is a conspiracy out there to make me never ever have money)

So this has become quite the problem, since I'm still trying to pay for tuition, and my yet-to-be purchased books. I was also thinking of joining the Hillcrest badminton club which costs money... so really, I'm going to be severely broke until mid October I figure. But I guess this will just be filed under "life-lesson".

Well, I'm off to do mindless housework so I can earn a few extra dollars to pay off...anything at this point



August 04, 2006

Back from the dead...

To answer your question, no I did not forget about my blog...and yes I've become a pathological liar.

To sum up the month of July...

  1. Working
  2. Hair Cut
  3. Wedding in Peterborough..not mine
  4. Registered for third year courses
  5. Cottage fun
  6. Other stuff I's really quite a blur

Basically, I just worked 13 shifts in 11 days, most of them involving me getting up at 5 am. So really, the memory is a little fuzzy. I've been to the Airport, Cornwall, all the malls, and various other locations taking inventories so it's beeen a whirlwind adventure. I'm smelly, my work clothes need washing, and I haven't eaten or slept in a week but who cares it's my day off!

Not much more has happened. I will however, be heading to Toronto next week to count some Home Depots...we're talking a hotel and everything! It was rather funny yesterday...the manager was asking for a volunteer to do it, and when nobody stepped up, I slyly mentioned I had no plans. At that point I had about ten people shout "NO! Don't do it!" Followed by a day of horror stories.

(Ei. "Do you like doorknobs? Cause you'll be counting them all day", "Or maybe you'll get stuck counting all the little screws!", "I hope you don't room with this girl she's awful..." etc.)

But alas they cannot scare me away! I might come back a changed person, but I'll have me some money:D:D:D

Right, well I've got nothing to do and nowhere to be- just the way life should be
