Oie Vey...
Holy crap its been a crazy week! After I gave blood thursday I came down with a cold two days later, which nicely coincided with my first day at work. So every shift I've had so far I've been sick as a dog. I don't want to jinx it but I might be getting better...of course I think I'm doing like an 8 hour count at a Hull Loblaws tomorrow, that will kill anyone.
I just need to shake this cold and fast...after sat, I think I'm working like every day for a week. It's tiring since you start at are either 6:30 am or they start at 6pm and end at 12:30 am. It's fun when you have a night one, and then need to get up for a morning one....killer.haha I'm falling asleep as I write this...maybe I should naplater days
Wow, gave blood today, then tried to die...good times. Okay, it wasn't that bad let's just say i tried to collapse in a parking lot. But that's a story for another time!Off to sleep.
Yay I got the job!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!! So happy x 10000000!!!
Ah, fridays...
Heeeeeyyyy! It's friday!!! The magical day! lol (somehow I just invisioned SpongeBob saying that...)
Anyway, it's gloom and doom weather around here once again. Since it's been raining for the past week I've been unable to mow the lawn, so it's beginning to look like a small jungle. At least my cat enjoys it, he loves to hide in the grass and stare at the garden for mice...little bugger.
Oh! and I got a job interview for this upcoming tuesday! That should be exiciting. Since my last job damn near killed me, it would mean a great deal to get back on the horse. And thanks to all the well-wishers, it really means a lot guys :D (Ps. Neary I know I havent told you yet, so I wrote a blog...just for you..lol)
Right, well that's my only big news, I do believe I'm heading up to the lake tomorrow, maybe go for a swim? Who cares if the water is still a little chilly! Details, details.

Rain rain go away...
For lack of anything better to say...bllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I blame the weather! It's been dreary and wet the last few days, and we're not supposed to see sun until the end of the week. Which actually isn't too bad since I might be heading up to the lake this weekend, but things are still a little uncertain.
Of course can't do any boating at the lake because the boat is currently sitting in a marina right now after needing some repairs. Oh and the marina...it's about four hours away! lol, it's in Bobcaygeon (Just a little ways off of Peterborough). Though apparently it's ready to be picked up, can you say road trip? :D
Other than that, it was mother's day yesterday. So there was one pampered mom in the Jones household. Ended the day by taking her out to a really fancy restaurant and giving her gifts. But at the restaurant I swear to god the guy tried to light me on fire!...yah good times.
Katie Fact #4: Katie doesn't like being lit on fire
Really I'm just so uninspired at the moment...and Neary I really think you should have a planting party in your backyard, haha.
Buenos Dias
The price we pay...
Oh man... Katie Fact #3: Katie + Whisky= troubleThat is all.
At the Cottage..
Yep, I'm up at Calabogie once again. Had an absolutely gorgeous day yesterday, sunny, 23, slight breeze, if the water wasn't ice cold I would have gone swimming. Instead I went canoeing with my daddy, and got eaten alive by bugs...bringing us to...Katie Fact #2: I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm like crack to all bugs. They can't get enough of me. One time I was bitten over 70 times on Canada day. Well it's thunderstorming right now, so I should just publish this quick before I lose power or somethinglater days
Summer! (lol for you Matt)
yay! School is finally over, and it's beautiful outside! You can't ask for much more. Okay maybe a good drink, the beach and some friends, but come on we've got four months of freedom! (For all those summer-schoolers I apologize, for any and all thoughts of fun)I think I'll just go live up at my cottage. Swim every day, get some wakeboarding in, play some pool it'll be great. (And Neary Plan: KNATHTMCTTHTS*, is going into effect!) Speaking of the cottage, I believe it's time for the Katie fact of the day! Katie Fact #1: Though Katie owns many bathing suits, she still tends to swim in her clothes!
Wow, isn't that interesting? And if I so feel like it I'll add more Katie facts as the summer progresses...but I'm lazy who knows what will happen!Either way, I hope you guys are happy and getting a chance to relax (But avoid the sun! I got burnt today and it's not even summer!Oh I saw that! Shaking your heads! Hey it can happen...)
Later Days
*The Kidnap Neary And Take Her To Cottage To Teach Her How To Swim...plan