June 18, 2005

Buenos dias mis amigos,

Ah grade nine spanish you serve me well. Hmm..what should I recount in exciting katie news. Oh, I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night with my good pal phil. Though I must say when we arrived I was rather scared. It was like someone had dropped off an entire group of high school kids and ran. They were everywhere! Terrifying really. But we got in and got our tickets and all was well until I noticed the tickets were for The Perfect Man *shudder* just typing it scares me. So after jumping the nice sales lady, and getting her to change them, we finally got all settled down amongst the teenage hormone cloud. Fourteen minutes and thirty seconds later the movie started (I was beginning to think the commercials were the movie!). You could tell there was an age difference when Brad Pitt came on, and 40% of the girls started to excitedly murmur and giggle.

The movie was pretty good. It lacked a couple plot things here and there but overall it was good.

I actually had a pretty good night, and would have liked to stay out longer had I not been stupid and told my mother I would home a little after 12. Though it's not like my parents would be strict, I think I have a curfew of 2:30 at the latest. Past that I'll start to get speeches of the safety of night time. But if you say you'll be home around a certain time you damn well better be home then. lol, it was kinda sad I had to even turn down phil's offer to grab a bite to eat. I realized in bed I should have taken him up on it, because my tummy sure was a grumbling.

So, yes that was my exciting night, I survived the hillary duff scare, avoided the teenagers, and had a good time!

- k


Blogger katie said...

Neary, you won't believe what I did. I burned my finger on a pan! I'm as bad as you! I guess I must now officially give up my title as your personal safety inspector. I'm sorry I let you down. hehe.

- k

3:16 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noooo! now we have to find someone to supervise us when we bake cookies (and it can't be casey...remember the pancakes..lol).

8:57 p.m.  
Blogger katie said...

Actually, I didn't burn my finger by accident, that's the truly sad part. I was testing the pan the see if it was hot and I kept my finger on there too long. Really it was sheer stupidity, I still know all the safety rules! Don't lose total faith!...Speaking of which I finished the book today! It just sucked me in and I couldn't put it down. It was quite enjoyable.

P.S. casey's pancakes still scare me

11:10 p.m.  
Blogger katie said...

ha! I just checked my guest book. Neary you're the best! And I must join you on your pirate ship one day...

11:11 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....i burn myself by ACCIDENT! tsk tsk lol!

3:11 p.m.  

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