I'm melting...meltingggg
Ahhhh, this humid muggy weather is killing me. Bllaaaaa. Hmm. lets see I finally did meet up with dear Philippe, we strolled, talked and drank LARGE drinks (yes you heard me Phil) But I must say the best was the bus ride home. There was no air conditioning, the bus was full enough and the people just stunk! So a stinking hot bus with equally stinky people was not a pleasant experience, and I had quite a ways to go. The worst was when we stopped at hurdman for like 5 min...the air was so thick and hot one could barely breathe! But I made it home alive.
Today I actually got together with neary. Of course even after getting explicit directions as to which driveway belonged to her, I still managed to miss it the first time 'round and had to drive around the block. Somehow we both made it back to my place where we watched Kung fu hustle. It's quite the movie I must say. Apparently a little violent for my mom's liking...oh how she hasn't seen Kill Bill...actually that's not bad at all come to think of it.
Hmm..that's about it, I have to go help my mom with her student recital tonight, it'll be tres excitent...
- k
Today I actually got together with neary. Of course even after getting explicit directions as to which driveway belonged to her, I still managed to miss it the first time 'round and had to drive around the block. Somehow we both made it back to my place where we watched Kung fu hustle. It's quite the movie I must say. Apparently a little violent for my mom's liking...oh how she hasn't seen Kill Bill...actually that's not bad at all come to think of it.
Hmm..that's about it, I have to go help my mom with her student recital tonight, it'll be tres excitent...
- k
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