June 29, 2005

Well today has just plain sucked. I woke up at three in the morning, couldn't get back to sleep and was all anxious. So i decided maybe since I'm wide awake I'll take another shot at that origami rose I have been trying to finish. Well apparently sleep deprivation and anxiety don't mix when trying to figure out what bloody fold goes where! I kept at it for like half an hour and eventually gave up having made no progress, I'm not kidding. Problem then was when I tried to go back to sleep all I could think about was folding paper.

Finally I gave up on sleep and went downstairs at around 5 and just watched some mindless cartoons...well it was actually the magic school bus. Ms. Frizzle turned the bus into a spider and showed the class what good trappers they are! Anyways, I spent the rest of the morning feeling like crap, couldn't eat, and when I did I ended up praying to the porcelain a little while later.

I then somehow had to go to an appointment with an oral surgeon about my wisdom teeth. He was an hour late and essentially said I have four teeth to come out, when can we book? So we booked it for aug 30th and left with one minute to spare on the meter. Came home ate some noodle stuff and now I'm just crashing.

Alas, that has been my exciting day so far, I'm very eager to see how it can possibly end! lol



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remind me to show you again...

...and this time in a well lit environment, not past midnight, in my car, with a 2 by 2 inch ripped square of paper found in the glove compartment (I know, it was my idea).

1:31 p.m.  
Blogger katie said...

hey you're alive! and yeah I was planning on kidnapping you and bolting you down so I could get a proper tutorial! :)

Have you written your test yet?

1:35 p.m.  
Blogger katie said...

Okay, guestbook #2 is going to the crapper! Waay to many adds and popups. I'll change it tomorrow for you people, so don't bother signing it (sorry neary!) I'll make sure I'll tell you when I get one I like.

7:11 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:38 p.m.  

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