Canada Day
Alright, Neary and I shall never scheme ever again! You'd think we might learn that all our plans usually turn to disaster, but no. (hehe, oh neary) Anyways I shall describe yesterday's fun day(it becomes short form writing as as continue). See I wasn't actually at my cottage (yes I pulled off a lie!) but, I secretly stayed in Ottawa to surprise Phil. I'll start at the bus stop at Rideau.
We (Casey, Neary, Andrea and myself) got there fairly early and needed to wait for Sophea. The problem was we were right in front of the bus terminal so everyone who got off a bus would walk past us (we met most of our group this way actually). Now this is not a good thing when you are trying to surprise someone, and I kept trying to get my point across to the group that we needed to move...but as usual most people seemed to not hear katie, lol.
So I was keeping quite the eye on the doors, and of course there comes phil strolling along. This prompts me to say "OH SHIT NEARY COME WITH ME!" and I did the hundred meter dash through the bra and shoe department of sears, trying desperately not to be seen. Though the funny thing I found out later was that no one actually heard me say anything or leave for that matter, except neary who apparently just saw a flash of red and I was gone. So well hidden in the men's clothing department now, I decide to maybe turn around. Luckily neary had been tailing me. We decided to call Casey to see if Phil is out there and if he saw me. When we finally reach Casey she informs us that he failed the see anyone and looked rather angry. So neary and I re-emerge from the underwear area with sheepish grins on our faces, while the others look on with confusion. After some explaining we headed down to chapters.
As we approached it I became a nervous blabbing wreck, and we all decided to sorta sneak around the corner but no one was there. Of course at that point I turn to my right and whoops there's phil leaning against a window two feet away from me. Again he somehow managed to miss me but this time when I ran, I ran indoors to meet him. And golly he looked surprised...not. Now this was possibly because stupid peter had just said he saw me outside, but even so phil barely even had a look a bewilderment. He was his normal calm cool self, and damnit if I didn't want him to jump up and down like an overweight women who has just won a car on the price is right. So he may or may not have been happy to see me, it was a little hard to tell.
Anyways once we get our group the slow disaster starts to present itself. When you have 15 or so individuals and poor mina trying to get their attention you go no where fast. Now I really don't want to describe the horrors of our group meetings throughout the day but they were very bad, and I shall now only refer to them as GMFH (group meetings from hell). So after the first GMFH we go to rideau. We get there, GMFH #2 and decide to split up...wait another GMFH...and so we're off no wait GMFH. Finally Phil and I escape. Return, another GMRH, what we need to find kanika? Another GMFH. Find Kanika, hungry anyone? God yes! GMFH...ten steps, GMFH....15 steps, wait lost someone GMFH. Hey let's go to Hooters it looks empty, oops guess it's not. GMFH GMFH GMFH. Pizza! that's it. GMFH. (At this point I was just trying to stay conscious.)
EVENTUALLY, we got some pizza ate it, and I woke up a bit. GMFH. We then went to the hill where we heard some loud bad bands...perhaps because the lead singer was hit by a car we're not sure. GMFH. two steps. GMFH. Need to go to other park. Find spot, sit down juggle, play with camera. Neary casey and andrea run off, never to be seen again.
Phone calls, more phone calls, lots of confusion, poor manisha is probably still looking for me. Find neary but she can't get through. Phil goes to rescue them, runs into french children. Comes back fireworks start, hmm can't see. RUN! Still blocked by tree but oh well we'll be home soon. Fireworks finish, try to get out- nightmare. Phil and I get stuck, finally break free, somewhere lose neary (who got a ride home! grr) Waited for buses an hour (nice company though) Very sleepy, meet scary rapiest guy on and off bus. Get home, house filled with dirty boys, go to bed, die.
That was my day. And neary, no scheming ever again!

We (Casey, Neary, Andrea and myself) got there fairly early and needed to wait for Sophea. The problem was we were right in front of the bus terminal so everyone who got off a bus would walk past us (we met most of our group this way actually). Now this is not a good thing when you are trying to surprise someone, and I kept trying to get my point across to the group that we needed to move...but as usual most people seemed to not hear katie, lol.
So I was keeping quite the eye on the doors, and of course there comes phil strolling along. This prompts me to say "OH SHIT NEARY COME WITH ME!" and I did the hundred meter dash through the bra and shoe department of sears, trying desperately not to be seen. Though the funny thing I found out later was that no one actually heard me say anything or leave for that matter, except neary who apparently just saw a flash of red and I was gone. So well hidden in the men's clothing department now, I decide to maybe turn around. Luckily neary had been tailing me. We decided to call Casey to see if Phil is out there and if he saw me. When we finally reach Casey she informs us that he failed the see anyone and looked rather angry. So neary and I re-emerge from the underwear area with sheepish grins on our faces, while the others look on with confusion. After some explaining we headed down to chapters.
As we approached it I became a nervous blabbing wreck, and we all decided to sorta sneak around the corner but no one was there. Of course at that point I turn to my right and whoops there's phil leaning against a window two feet away from me. Again he somehow managed to miss me but this time when I ran, I ran indoors to meet him. And golly he looked surprised...not. Now this was possibly because stupid peter had just said he saw me outside, but even so phil barely even had a look a bewilderment. He was his normal calm cool self, and damnit if I didn't want him to jump up and down like an overweight women who has just won a car on the price is right. So he may or may not have been happy to see me, it was a little hard to tell.
Anyways once we get our group the slow disaster starts to present itself. When you have 15 or so individuals and poor mina trying to get their attention you go no where fast. Now I really don't want to describe the horrors of our group meetings throughout the day but they were very bad, and I shall now only refer to them as GMFH (group meetings from hell). So after the first GMFH we go to rideau. We get there, GMFH #2 and decide to split up...wait another GMFH...and so we're off no wait GMFH. Finally Phil and I escape. Return, another GMRH, what we need to find kanika? Another GMFH. Find Kanika, hungry anyone? God yes! GMFH...ten steps, GMFH....15 steps, wait lost someone GMFH. Hey let's go to Hooters it looks empty, oops guess it's not. GMFH GMFH GMFH. Pizza! that's it. GMFH. (At this point I was just trying to stay conscious.)
EVENTUALLY, we got some pizza ate it, and I woke up a bit. GMFH. We then went to the hill where we heard some loud bad bands...perhaps because the lead singer was hit by a car we're not sure. GMFH. two steps. GMFH. Need to go to other park. Find spot, sit down juggle, play with camera. Neary casey and andrea run off, never to be seen again.
Phone calls, more phone calls, lots of confusion, poor manisha is probably still looking for me. Find neary but she can't get through. Phil goes to rescue them, runs into french children. Comes back fireworks start, hmm can't see. RUN! Still blocked by tree but oh well we'll be home soon. Fireworks finish, try to get out- nightmare. Phil and I get stuck, finally break free, somewhere lose neary (who got a ride home! grr) Waited for buses an hour (nice company though) Very sleepy, meet scary rapiest guy on and off bus. Get home, house filled with dirty boys, go to bed, die.
That was my day. And neary, no scheming ever again!

I'll probably put the other pictures on my msn blog..I can't find much more use for it. I actually purged all of what I wrote the other day, so it's gone foreverrrrr. lol. wanted me to jump up and down like an overweight woman who just won on the price is right? Have I ever done something like that?
...kinda worried about the scary rapist guy though
also worried about dunk mohawk guy...
and yes i agree 500% with you, we should give up on scheming! it always seems to go wrong somehow..
Don't worry I survived mr. mohawk. Oh and phil it was neary who phoned me last night (he recognized your number)
ty for the ecard! muahha, im so alone right now, i think i should have gone to monika's house as well with nara and narin, my family left me alone :(!
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