August 26, 2005

Hello hello, I'm back and I've posted a handful of pics from my camping trip. As always you can click to enlarge.

This is the front view of our campsite.
This is the back view.
Small river behind our site. This area had some very slow moving water so there was a bunch of pond scum and algae containing a million cute frogs.
Another view of the river.
This are tent caterpillars. They seem to have taken over half the tress in the place ewww.
Cute little frog by water.
Not so cute frog by water.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhh that campsite looks really beautiful! I don't know how you can stand caterpillars though EWWWWW, another phobia of mine. And yes...that frog (2nd one) looks so evil!!

12:16 p.m.  

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