Arg, I think all this stress is going to give me a heart attack!
Coincidently, I have an exam today. Hmm I wonder... if I could just correlate the data..but first I'd have to come up with operational definitions to define my measures and..NO! Get out of my head useless information!
If I survive, I'll let you guys know how it went.

*UPDATE* Hey I survived! Of course the crazy woman put a crap load a questions on a topic she specifically told us not too study...but hey I only have bigger and brighter things to move on to! (In other words I have papers and more exams, so I don't have time to argue)
Coincidently, I have an exam today. Hmm I wonder... if I could just correlate the data..but first I'd have to come up with operational definitions to define my measures and..NO! Get out of my head useless information!
If I survive, I'll let you guys know how it went.

*UPDATE* Hey I survived! Of course the crazy woman put a crap load a questions on a topic she specifically told us not too study...but hey I only have bigger and brighter things to move on to! (In other words I have papers and more exams, so I don't have time to argue)
Isn't uni just the greatest? Good luck with upcomming work.
Oh, many times have you survived a heart attack?
lol, gratz :P
btw -- hows phil doing? he doesnt comment on your blog either no more :/
He's never really commented on my blog, he just reads it. But I have a theory he may have been crushed under a stack of math books. Maybe we should call for help?
I personally like commenting on ppl's blog so I can bug them, lol.
Dude I just saw what time you wrote me...what are you doing up at 3:54AM?? Midterm studying?
Damn! I saw Phil today. There goes my theory concerning the math book disaster of 2005. Oh well, you must admit it was quite good ;)
But wait maybe he was actually cloned! With some rapid growth, and a little luck it could work. Jess you're a genious, what do you think?
Well, you never know...but I dont think that type of procedure is in the realm of the possible quite yet...Mabye he was actually an illusion created by his clever mathematical positioning of mirrors to project an image of himself....
Hey, it's possible! My oringinal theory still stands!
Thanks Jess!
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