December 29, 2005
December 27, 2005
Crazy Christmas Chaos
ahh the days have moved by so fast it's like a giant blur. Okay let me try to sum up the last few days.
Seeing Friends
Christmas fun
Frantic present opening
Eating...oh god too much eating...and some drinking
Sleeping on hotel cot where I could feel every individual spring dig into my bones
Seeing lotsa relatives (my cousins are how old now???)
Long car ride back having to pee
Home once again...yay!
Time for more shopping with gift certificates!
...and breath! Okay that wasn't too bad. So life has been crazy, but good. I hope all of you are having enjoyable breaks and perhaps getting to see some family and friends.
One last thing... I know Neil posted this a couple days ago, but I re-read it and still think it's quite good, so if you happened to miss it, here it is again (being given proper recognition)
(P.S. It'll only make sense if you watch the neary you should start watching...)
Dr. House Is Taking Your Case
(sung to Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
You better watch out
You'd better not cry
You're feeling really sick
But you ain't gonna die
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
He's listing your symptoms
Ordering every test they can do
But all the while he'll be on more drugs than you
Yes, Dr. House has taken your case
He'll insult you when you're sleeping
He'll insult you when you're awake
He'll treat for hep-E, destroy your liver
Then blame Cameron for the mistake
O! You better not pout
You better not whine
You might go into seizures
But you're gonna be fine
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
Seeing Friends
Christmas fun
Frantic present opening
Eating...oh god too much eating...and some drinking
Sleeping on hotel cot where I could feel every individual spring dig into my bones
Seeing lotsa relatives (my cousins are how old now???)
Long car ride back having to pee
Home once again...yay!
Time for more shopping with gift certificates!
...and breath! Okay that wasn't too bad. So life has been crazy, but good. I hope all of you are having enjoyable breaks and perhaps getting to see some family and friends.
One last thing... I know Neil posted this a couple days ago, but I re-read it and still think it's quite good, so if you happened to miss it, here it is again (being given proper recognition)
(P.S. It'll only make sense if you watch the neary you should start watching...)
Dr. House Is Taking Your Case
(sung to Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
You better watch out
You'd better not cry
You're feeling really sick
But you ain't gonna die
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
He's listing your symptoms
Ordering every test they can do
But all the while he'll be on more drugs than you
Yes, Dr. House has taken your case
He'll insult you when you're sleeping
He'll insult you when you're awake
He'll treat for hep-E, destroy your liver
Then blame Cameron for the mistake
O! You better not pout
You better not whine
You might go into seizures
But you're gonna be fine
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
December 24, 2005
December 17, 2005
OMG I was checking out the nominations for the Golden globe awards (released Dec. 13th) and look at who they chose for best actors in a tv series:
a. Patrick Dempsey- Grey's Anatomy
b. Matthew Fox- Lost
c. Hugh Laurie- House
d. Wentworth Miller- Prison Break
e. Kiefer Sutherland- 24
That's insanity! I should also mention I am not only a Lost, House and Prison Break fan, but an obsessive 24 one as well. Speaking of which, check out the trailer for season five of 24 it looks SICK!!!! ( I'll be counting the minutes...and seconds...and milliseconds...

Can you say Sexy?
a. Patrick Dempsey- Grey's Anatomy
b. Matthew Fox- Lost
c. Hugh Laurie- House
d. Wentworth Miller- Prison Break
e. Kiefer Sutherland- 24
That's insanity! I should also mention I am not only a Lost, House and Prison Break fan, but an obsessive 24 one as well. Speaking of which, check out the trailer for season five of 24 it looks SICK!!!! ( I'll be counting the minutes...and seconds...and milliseconds...

Can you say Sexy?
December 15, 2005
December 09, 2005
Karma x2
Damnit! I was late again! Stupid buses! At least I knew where I was going this time. I did however manage to walk through the wrong door of the room and was promptly scolded by the cranky proctor, at least I think... I sorta blew passed him in a frantic rush to get a seat...very uncharacteristic.
The exam itself sucked bum. She managed to reference every study under the sun that nobody had heard of! But whather, two exams down, two more to go.
So next exam I'm leaving my house three hours before the exam so I get get there good and early!
The exam itself sucked bum. She managed to reference every study under the sun that nobody had heard of! But whather, two exams down, two more to go.
So next exam I'm leaving my house three hours before the exam so I get get there good and early!
Oh man I was late to my exam yesterday. But it was only 50% my fault, my first bus was late so it takes half the blame. Either way, I was actually there on time, but then I got lost in the maze of new buildings they put up and couldn't find an entrance that wouldn't set off some sort of firealarm.
So either way, I had to do the walk of shame past 90 rows of people to the very last seat at the other end of the sports arena thingy. But there were lots of people coming in late so it wasn't too bad. Of course my run of bad luck made perfect sense since it was an exam for my religion class. Can someone say karma? If there is a god of sorts I think she was having a little fun!
lol, oh my many years of agnosticism, how you didn't help me.
Off to exam numba 2 (developmental psych) in a few hours, I'll tell yah how it goes.
So either way, I had to do the walk of shame past 90 rows of people to the very last seat at the other end of the sports arena thingy. But there were lots of people coming in late so it wasn't too bad. Of course my run of bad luck made perfect sense since it was an exam for my religion class. Can someone say karma? If there is a god of sorts I think she was having a little fun!
lol, oh my many years of agnosticism, how you didn't help me.
Off to exam numba 2 (developmental psych) in a few hours, I'll tell yah how it goes.
December 07, 2005
My Woodly adventures
Well, I'm on my way home today. Thought I might pop back into Ottawa since I have an exam tomorrow. I must say it's been exceptionally relaxing and I got a phenomenal amount of studying in. But I have to tell you guys about yesterday!
I went for a walk with my daddy, and as usual we somehow ended up trekking through trees and brush (which is really pretty with the snow). We managed to track down the 4 wild turkeys that live around that area. (apparently there were five..but something happened to one of them...probably off playing with Bambi's mother)
So anyway, that wasn't the exciting part! lol. Right where the birds were was this little cabin thing no bigger then most people's bedroom. But it was so creepy and cool at the same time! It looked like it was out of a movie! It resembled some crackhouse squatter's room. Well in actuality it had two very small rooms, a third room about a meter wide, and a porch.
Of course this prompted my dad and myself to go investigate. Entering through the giant hole in the wall, the first thing you step on is broken glass, it really does sound like in the movies-crinkly. Looking in the rooms are the two dirtiest mattresses you'll ever see. The lime green paint is doing an insane job at peeling, and there's garbage and broken dishes everywhere! There's rusted out pots and clothes and everything you could imagine. The screens on the windows are all torn, it was great. It really looked like a stereotypical rundown, filthy drug house (minus the drugs, but I didn't have the urge to go digging).
I don't know why I found this of great interest but maybe next time I come up I'll take some pictures. It just seemed like this little shack out in the middle of nowhere had such a story. It was on a waterfront, and with the porch it looked like at one point it started off as perhaps lakeside guest quarters...but I just find it fascinating how it got turned into the dump it is now. that you all think I'm nuts going scrounging into ppl's old me just reiterate that I am sane, I no longer practice cannibalism, I only pay homage to Satan twice a year and I am a proud member of the conservative party...okay that last one was a lie, Harper's a tool.
I went for a walk with my daddy, and as usual we somehow ended up trekking through trees and brush (which is really pretty with the snow). We managed to track down the 4 wild turkeys that live around that area. (apparently there were five..but something happened to one of them...probably off playing with Bambi's mother)
So anyway, that wasn't the exciting part! lol. Right where the birds were was this little cabin thing no bigger then most people's bedroom. But it was so creepy and cool at the same time! It looked like it was out of a movie! It resembled some crackhouse squatter's room. Well in actuality it had two very small rooms, a third room about a meter wide, and a porch.
Of course this prompted my dad and myself to go investigate. Entering through the giant hole in the wall, the first thing you step on is broken glass, it really does sound like in the movies-crinkly. Looking in the rooms are the two dirtiest mattresses you'll ever see. The lime green paint is doing an insane job at peeling, and there's garbage and broken dishes everywhere! There's rusted out pots and clothes and everything you could imagine. The screens on the windows are all torn, it was great. It really looked like a stereotypical rundown, filthy drug house (minus the drugs, but I didn't have the urge to go digging).
I don't know why I found this of great interest but maybe next time I come up I'll take some pictures. It just seemed like this little shack out in the middle of nowhere had such a story. It was on a waterfront, and with the porch it looked like at one point it started off as perhaps lakeside guest quarters...but I just find it fascinating how it got turned into the dump it is now. that you all think I'm nuts going scrounging into ppl's old me just reiterate that I am sane, I no longer practice cannibalism, I only pay homage to Satan twice a year and I am a proud member of the conservative party...okay that last one was a lie, Harper's a tool.
December 05, 2005
Exams and Sleds
Well, I'm up at my cottage. Its been snowing the last day or two and it's absolutely beautiful. I spend most of my days making thousands of notes for my upcoming exams. I think the dates are the 8th, 9th, 14th, and 19th. This is a sucky schedule since I have two exams the first days of the exam schedule. I haven't been able to study earlier since I had a bunch of end of term projects due the last few days of classes.
I haven't started Christmas shopping or am even remotely in the mood. I'm hoping once I get some exams under my belt things will get better. I do however have the urge to go sledding, all this snow is making me antsy. Anyone know what a GT snowracer is? They were cool a few years back. Here's what one basically looks like...

Mine is black and hot pink. I haven't been on it in years, possibly because the thing is a bloody deathtrap, but really that's half the fun! The so-called "brakes" are hilarious. They are essentially useless, but every now and then if you push them down and they catch a piece of ice or land, it'll stop, but unfortunately you won't. Or sometimes they will dangerously bounce you a few inches in the air. Your best bet is just using your feet, well that is if you have a desire to live.
Well, back to religion and developmental psych...yay!
(And by "yay" I mean maybe I should go test how those brakes work on the steepest hill full of rocks!)
I haven't started Christmas shopping or am even remotely in the mood. I'm hoping once I get some exams under my belt things will get better. I do however have the urge to go sledding, all this snow is making me antsy. Anyone know what a GT snowracer is? They were cool a few years back. Here's what one basically looks like...

Mine is black and hot pink. I haven't been on it in years, possibly because the thing is a bloody deathtrap, but really that's half the fun! The so-called "brakes" are hilarious. They are essentially useless, but every now and then if you push them down and they catch a piece of ice or land, it'll stop, but unfortunately you won't. Or sometimes they will dangerously bounce you a few inches in the air. Your best bet is just using your feet, well that is if you have a desire to live.
Well, back to religion and developmental psych...yay!
(And by "yay" I mean maybe I should go test how those brakes work on the steepest hill full of rocks!)