OMG I was checking out the nominations for the Golden globe awards (released Dec. 13th) and look at who they chose for best actors in a tv series:
a. Patrick Dempsey- Grey's Anatomy
b. Matthew Fox- Lost
c. Hugh Laurie- House
d. Wentworth Miller- Prison Break
e. Kiefer Sutherland- 24
That's insanity! I should also mention I am not only a Lost, House and Prison Break fan, but an obsessive 24 one as well. Speaking of which, check out the trailer for season five of 24 it looks SICK!!!! (http://www.fox.com/home.htm). I'll be counting the minutes...and seconds...and milliseconds...

Can you say Sexy?
a. Patrick Dempsey- Grey's Anatomy
b. Matthew Fox- Lost
c. Hugh Laurie- House
d. Wentworth Miller- Prison Break
e. Kiefer Sutherland- 24
That's insanity! I should also mention I am not only a Lost, House and Prison Break fan, but an obsessive 24 one as well. Speaking of which, check out the trailer for season five of 24 it looks SICK!!!! (http://www.fox.com/home.htm). I'll be counting the minutes...and seconds...and milliseconds...

Can you say Sexy?
Hugh Laurie- House
Should win in my opinion. It recently came to my attention that he is actually british and is faking an american accent (thx K.B.)
He's an accomplished comedian trying his luck at a comedy drama, and he has done an outstanding job so far at being a jerk/physician who always guesses right and goes out of his way to chase patients outside the hospital and give them a shot of something that will give the patient the symptoms showing that he was right all along (even though he wasn't).
Lost cleaned up during the awards last year so I don't think they'll give it to Fox this time around. I think they even went 2 episodes without him being present, and he hasn't played as much of a central role in season 2.
Wentworth Miller- Prison Break
Will probably win because it's the show's first season and he also did an amazing job in that role. But that brings up the whole (What do u call the show when they break out, and of course "What's the plot going to be?".
As if you didn't know Hugh Laurie was really British. It's pretty weird hearing him talk normally, but he's quite funny in real life (from talk shows etc..)
And I agree Matthew Fox hasn't exactely done anything this season, and Patrick Dempsey isn't even a contender.
I think it'll be pretty close between Laurie, Miller and Sutherland. They all play their characters very well.
okay i had to post this somwhere and i figured this would be the best place:
Dr. House Is Taking Your Case
(sung to Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
You better watch out
You'd better not cry
You're feeling really sick
But you ain't gonna die
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
He's listing your symptoms
Ordering every test they can do
But all the while he'll be on more drugs than you
Yes, Dr. House has taken your case
He'll insult you when you're sleeping
He'll insult you when you're awake
He'll treat for hep-E, destroy your liver
Then blame Cameron for the mistake
O! You better not pout
You better not whine
You might go into seizures
But you're gonna be fine
'Cause Dr. House has taken your case
haha, that is awesome Neil, and so true. Very nice.
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