Driving Disasters
Well, it's a blimy winter wonderland outside today isn't it? (For those of you not in Ottawa, we've had about 2 feet of snow drop in about half a day, in fact it's still going...)
So I thought since I haven't posted in a week or two, today's as good as any- not because it's snowing but perhaps since I started my day by getting in a car accident.
Okay, let me rephrase I didn't really start my day by getting in a car accident. It's not like I rolled out of bed and was hit by a car. I had gotten up early to do some long-awaited shopping with my mommy.
All was going pretty well, we were driving nice and slow in the snow, but as we were turning a corner, someone hit the car beside us and then ricoched into our bumper. I suppose that was my first official accident- but it was so minor (I'm talking a scratch on the bumper).
However, the story does not end there (or else why would I tell it?). So my mom gets out and talks to the other drivers, making sure everyone is okay- which they were thankfully. But then the guy who hit both our car and the first car, decides he'll just drive away. Yeah, that's not a good plan, because he had caused a fair bit of damage to the first car he hit.
So he basically just left the scene of a crime-he committed. Luckily the girl from the first car got his license plate and the police were called. The officer came within 5-10 minutes which was surprising, especially with the bad weather. (And may I just make a note that it was a young, dreamy constable, who had a good sense of humour...come to think of it, he did leave us his number...)
My mom had to fill out some paper work giving a statement (I had never left the car, so I was no good). Of course there was the fun debate whether the man was east indian, and what regions that actually encompasses. She eventually got a description of some sort down. Oh! I never mentioned how we needed to give the police officer proof of insurance and registration...yah, I open the glove compartment, and there's like milllion bits of paper that could possibly be insurance, but damned if I know! ( We gave the poor man something...I think)
Either way, almost exactly an hour later we were on our way to the shopping mall, making jokes about how my mother should have tried to set the young constable up with me. Shopping wise, I bought a bunch of shirts, and some pull-over type things, so it was found with great success.
On our way home, we saw a bus jack-knifed in one of our lanes, but we couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with it, other then the fact that it was not where it was supposed to be. And when we came home, we learned that my dad had spun out in his car and hit some cement thing (again luckily he wasn't hurt, and neither was the car). As well, as I am writing this blog, I am speaking to my friend who apparently got hit by a car today and has a sprained back.
So, it's pretty bad driving out there today which is odd, because us Canadians...or more so Ottawains should be used to such things, but I guess there will always be those people who drive to fast and don't pay attention. Shame on them!
Oh well...All's well that ends well!
* oh as a side note, they did catch the guy who hit both cars, and apparently officer dreamy is coming over here sometime to close the matter (a.k.a- more paper work!) (a.k.a. where did I put my sexy dress?)

This is actually a real time (more or less) picture of the parliament buildings, I think it refreshes every minute or so..
So I thought since I haven't posted in a week or two, today's as good as any- not because it's snowing but perhaps since I started my day by getting in a car accident.
Okay, let me rephrase I didn't really start my day by getting in a car accident. It's not like I rolled out of bed and was hit by a car. I had gotten up early to do some long-awaited shopping with my mommy.
All was going pretty well, we were driving nice and slow in the snow, but as we were turning a corner, someone hit the car beside us and then ricoched into our bumper. I suppose that was my first official accident- but it was so minor (I'm talking a scratch on the bumper).
However, the story does not end there (or else why would I tell it?). So my mom gets out and talks to the other drivers, making sure everyone is okay- which they were thankfully. But then the guy who hit both our car and the first car, decides he'll just drive away. Yeah, that's not a good plan, because he had caused a fair bit of damage to the first car he hit.
So he basically just left the scene of a crime-he committed. Luckily the girl from the first car got his license plate and the police were called. The officer came within 5-10 minutes which was surprising, especially with the bad weather. (And may I just make a note that it was a young, dreamy constable, who had a good sense of humour...come to think of it, he did leave us his number...)
My mom had to fill out some paper work giving a statement (I had never left the car, so I was no good). Of course there was the fun debate whether the man was east indian, and what regions that actually encompasses. She eventually got a description of some sort down. Oh! I never mentioned how we needed to give the police officer proof of insurance and registration...yah, I open the glove compartment, and there's like milllion bits of paper that could possibly be insurance, but damned if I know! ( We gave the poor man something...I think)
Either way, almost exactly an hour later we were on our way to the shopping mall, making jokes about how my mother should have tried to set the young constable up with me. Shopping wise, I bought a bunch of shirts, and some pull-over type things, so it was found with great success.
On our way home, we saw a bus jack-knifed in one of our lanes, but we couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with it, other then the fact that it was not where it was supposed to be. And when we came home, we learned that my dad had spun out in his car and hit some cement thing (again luckily he wasn't hurt, and neither was the car). As well, as I am writing this blog, I am speaking to my friend who apparently got hit by a car today and has a sprained back.
So, it's pretty bad driving out there today which is odd, because us Canadians...or more so Ottawains should be used to such things, but I guess there will always be those people who drive to fast and don't pay attention. Shame on them!
Oh well...All's well that ends well!
* oh as a side note, they did catch the guy who hit both cars, and apparently officer dreamy is coming over here sometime to close the matter (a.k.a- more paper work!) (a.k.a. where did I put my sexy dress?)

This is actually a real time (more or less) picture of the parliament buildings, I think it refreshes every minute or so..
I'm sorry to hear you were in a "motor-vehicle accident".
While I acknowledge you were in an accident and are probably badly shaken by it, you should still use the correct term for the people from Ottawa.
The term is "Ottawans" and not "Ottawains ".
Do not attempt to contact me, I am an African-American ghost from another
Oops, you're right- chalk it up as a typo. I guess I was still thinking about Canadians when I wrote it.
But more importantly, people you should get out and vote today!
Glad you're ok.
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