of 8:14 am this morning, I am officially 20. I feel so old, but hey that's not going to stop me from watching cartoons and sleeping with my stuffed bear (yes I said BEAR Neary, it is NOT a PIG!!) lol and I'll enjoy being older than you for another 4 days.
Way to go Canada!!! 24 medals!! YAHHHHH
Happy Valentines Day!
Okay, that midterm is out of the way and my studying psychosis has simmered down. And sorry to Neil..I should accept your difference in opinion, even though it is uncool...I! it's Valentine's day...yay! Chocolate mmm, the best part. I mean a hot not. I did have some guy ask me out last week but I ran down the hall screaming WITCH! and pointing at him...think he maybe got the idea? I mean he's a conservative...ewwwww...(er sorry again Neil, conservatives are cool...sorta) lol, I'm not that shallow to not date a guy due to his political opinion. He has red hair too... ewwww ;)Either way, my focus today is handing in my paper, writing my social psych exam and then FREEDOM.
So close...
This is it people....the last stretch...just a few more midterms and then we get to break!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahhahaha!ps. Neil we haven't talked about Lost or House in forever! Come online man. Oh and does anyone other than me watch Grey's Anatomy? The last two episodes were so insane and I've got no one to talk to!pps. Neil hates Grey's Anatomy! sooooo uncool Neil, I still haven't gotten over that. I think a part of me died when I heard that...*sigh*ppps I'd rather talk to Dave with his banana-coffee-drugged laced-mysterious substance drinks, at least he watches Grey's.ppppps SO UNCOOLpppppps. I'm sorry I have an exam to go to and I'm a little antsy...k I really gotta go.
Got Balance?
Ah, two midterms down, another two to go, throw in a paper and I'll be set! And they all come to a big end on Valentine's day...oh fun!Actually, I just wrote my stats midterm tonight. It was pretty easy, except I had to write it in a lecture room, where you only have those half tables thingies attached to the side of the seat (you know what I'm talking about). Yeah well this is fun, when you have a calculator, pencils, an eraser, your student card, a scantron sheet, cheat sheet, your exam, z-score distribution sheets and a work sheet all in a space no bigger than your textbook.I tried to solve this problem by also using the half table thing beside me, as well as blancing papers on my legs, arms, and any other uselful part of me that could hold something. As it turned out, I didn't really use my cheat sheet because it kept getting buried under things, I gave up trying to use the work sheet, and just did all my quick calculations in the book, as for the other junk who knows what happened to it.Either way, I'm glad it's done. And here's hoping V-day comes soon- I'll finish my stuff and get to eat lots of chocolate! Mmmmmm. Oh and two weeks after that I turn the big 2-0. Scary.