of 8:14 am this morning, I am officially 20. I feel so old, but hey that's not going to stop me from watching cartoons and sleeping with my stuffed bear (yes I said BEAR Neary, it is NOT a PIG!!) lol and I'll enjoy being older than you for another 4 days.

...I've only seen like 15 episodes of that show, and that wasn't one of them! answer is...SANTA!
Happy 20th birthday!! :D
You made to your second decade! Congrats! You may now safely reminisce about the teenage years, as they are finally over. ;)
Omg...second decade...JESS! I feel so old now...where's my ointment?
Don't get Dave started on ointment... Oh god no.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Katie, hope you had a fun day.
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