Summer Dreams...
yo and hello to all those out in blog land,
Isn't life just sooo exciting? I mean it's exam season, summer is in the air... can't you hardly wait to be free of school? It's all tres excitant.
I'm not sure what I'll do over summer. I'd like to get a job so maybe I can pay for tuition, but we'll see. I was thinking about buying an archery set (actually I've been thinking about this for like a year). The problem has been you can't legally shoot arrows in the confinds of the city limits. (something about if you miss your target and get your neighbour there might be trouble, it's the same as if you decided to take pot shots with a gun in your backyard)
But I've decided I can circumvent this problem by shooting arrows up at my cottage. There's lots of room and chances are I won't kill any one. And don't worry I have no intentions about hunting or anything (evil!) it's just for fun to hit a target and maybe get out some frustrations.
I have other plans for summer, I can't really remember them..I made an actual list one day when I was bored. I know I wanted to read a bunch of books I bought around xmas time, and I need to fix up my room but I can't really remember the rest...too much exam knowledge floating around has pushed aside normal thoughts for the time being.
Anywho, I would suggest going outside and getting some fresh air...i think it's supposed to rain again. boo-urns. April showers bring May flowers my foot! lol, they only bring tulips and I hate tulips!...
Isn't life just sooo exciting? I mean it's exam season, summer is in the air... can't you hardly wait to be free of school? It's all tres excitant.
I'm not sure what I'll do over summer. I'd like to get a job so maybe I can pay for tuition, but we'll see. I was thinking about buying an archery set (actually I've been thinking about this for like a year). The problem has been you can't legally shoot arrows in the confinds of the city limits. (something about if you miss your target and get your neighbour there might be trouble, it's the same as if you decided to take pot shots with a gun in your backyard)
But I've decided I can circumvent this problem by shooting arrows up at my cottage. There's lots of room and chances are I won't kill any one. And don't worry I have no intentions about hunting or anything (evil!) it's just for fun to hit a target and maybe get out some frustrations.
I have other plans for summer, I can't really remember them..I made an actual list one day when I was bored. I know I wanted to read a bunch of books I bought around xmas time, and I need to fix up my room but I can't really remember the rest...too much exam knowledge floating around has pushed aside normal thoughts for the time being.
Anywho, I would suggest going outside and getting some fresh air...i think it's supposed to rain again. boo-urns. April showers bring May flowers my foot! lol, they only bring tulips and I hate tulips!...

what kinda freak green jumping bug plants do you two own?? Geez
I love tulips and the tulip festival! Free tulips from Holland! bonus.
Good luck on exams, Katie! The rain should help you study. ;)
Good luck to you too!! :D
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