August 31, 2005
August 30, 2005
kate the great taking a deep breath before the plunge
August 29, 2005
Yes, I have the incredible ability to absorb other people's stress! The other super heroes think my power is useless, but I beg to differ. With this ability, I can double my own stress levels by being around a group of stressed individuals. Once I absorb their stress I get super human powers like...the inability to eat, constant headaches, nausea, fatigue, shaking, and the inability to sleep..to name a few!
Though I haven't perfected my powers yet, since I can absorb their stress but not actually make any of theirs go away. If anything I increase their stress! But alas I am a fledging super hero. I still have years to perfect my powers!
Of course I'll have to stay away from Stressy McGee, and Captain Angermanagement, otherwise I'll blow up. Minor details minor details. However, my cambodian super hero twin, neary the great, has the same powers except she's perfected the whole removing stress from your life part. Oh if only I could be as powerful! One day I'll make you proud sis..okay that sounded weird.
hehe oh well, if today doesn't kill me it'll only make me stron...well, no it'll probably weaken me so I have a nervous breakdown, but I'll join powers with neary and all will be well!
OH NO! I thought I heard something behind that bush..no..no....stay back Stressy!...this isn't funny..cap...captain angermanagement?? what are you tw...no get back! you'll kill me....ahhhhhhh
{to be continued...}
August 28, 2005
August 26, 2005
This is the front view of our campsite.

This is the back view.

Small river behind our site. This area had some very slow moving water so there was a bunch of pond scum and algae containing a million cute frogs.

Another view of the river.

This are tent caterpillars. They seem to have taken over half the tress in the place ewww.

Cute little frog by water.

Not so cute frog by water.

August 22, 2005
sleepovers, camping and teeth pulling oh my!
Well in recent news, the sleepover I've been talking about..wait never mentioned it, okay I'll start over. The sleep over I should have been talking about is finally over. Yes you may be thinking sleepover? 19 year old girls? hmm bit old aren't they? Well not in my house!
Yes I had myself, neary and casey over the other night. We ate junk food, poured over mags and watched GuessWho..or at least made an attempt, there was a lot of talking during the movie. I think it was about a guy and a girl and someone named Jamal, hehe neary. We also played rousing games of mall madness (which I somehow won again) and clue (Neary is going to be a real life detective I swear!) Eventually after the movie we all tried to go to sleep. Well Neary went to sleep while Casey and I had a lengthy discussion on our emergency room visits and the poor quality of health care we received. It's amazing how a lot of people have similar experiences.
We finally stopped talking and tried to get some shut eye, but poor neary, bless her heart, likes to snore and we couldn't wake her up to save our lives. Example:
"N: Snore Snore Snore"
"K: Casey poke her" *poke*
"N: Snore"
"C: She's still sleeping"
"K: Poke her again" *poke poke*
"N: Snore"
"C: nothing"
whhhzzzz! {stuffed animal is thrown} Boing!{bounces off of neary with no progress}
"N: Snore"
"K: **groan** "K: I'm going upstairs!"
"C: Where you going"
"K: What did you say?"
" C: I don't remember..."
"N: Snore Snore Snore Snore"
"K: baa" thump thump thump up the stairs.
Somewhere we eventually got some sleep. And amazingly, against popular belief, we never wore see-threw nightgowns, had pillow fights, or anything else the male mind can sometimes conjure up.
What else? Not too much has happened. I've made some progress redoing my room, just need to buy a few things and put on some paint (oh how it sounds simple). I've got most of my school stuff ironed out, except for the fact that they moved one of my classes to 8:30 am!! {i'm crying on the inside}
I've also taken care of a few minors things here and there, been trying to finish them up before I go camping tomorrow. Hmm, haven't talked about that either eh? I'm going to Fitzroy campground for a couple days with my mommy. It should be fun, looks like we'll have pretty good weather {touch wood} We seem to have a nice site that backs onto water, so that should be cool. This place also has hiking trails and beaches, so we'll be occupied just fine.
Dooms day is slowly approaching a.k.a I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled next tuesday. Kinda scared, which is funny becasue I've had two major knee surgeries with not an ounce of fear, yet this of all things has me a bit unerved. At least I'll go through it with neary who also sheduled her teeth pulling the same day, ah the sign of a true friend. We'll be in pain together.
Well, that's just a quick update, hope y'all are enjoying the rest of summer.
kate the great
August 16, 2005
[Scene: Comedy club.]
JERRY: I swear, I have absolutely no idea what women are thinking. I don't get it, OK? I admit, I'm not getting the signals. I am not getting it! Women, they're so subtle, their little...everything they do is subtle...men are not subtle, we are obvious. Women know what men want, men know what men want, what do we want? We want women, that's it!...It's the only thing we know for sure, it really is: we want women.
How do we get them? Oh, we don't know 'bout that. The next step after that we have no idea. This is why you see men honking car-horns, and yelling from construction sites. These are the best ideas we've had so far! The car-horn-honk, isn't that a beauty? Have you ever seen men doing this? What is this? The man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car, he honks: [imitates honk] e-eeehh, eehhh, eehhh - this man is out of ideas. How does it...? [imitates horn again] e-e-e-eeeehhhh, "I don't think she likes me"
The amazing thing is, that we still get women, don't we? Men, I mean, men are with women. You see men with women. How are men getting women, many people wonder. Let me tell you a little bit about our organization. "Where ever women are?", we have a man working on the situation right now. Now, he may not be our best man, OK, we have a lot of areas to cover, but someone from our staff is on the scene. That's why, I think, men get frustrated, when we see women reading articles, like: "Where to meet men?". We're here, we are everywhere! We're honking our horns to serve you better.

August 14, 2005
August 10, 2005
Everything was going fine to begin with. 10:30 on the nose I log in to register, yay! I input the first class, no problems. I go to input my second one which happens to be spanish, but nooooo, they don't want to let me take it. So after some nicely strung sentences of curse words, I figure I best try and get all my other classes in. So thank god, I got all the other ones I wanted in the times I wanted. Problem left however was how to fill a full credit which spanish would have occupied.
So I frantically start pouring over my course book trying to find a course. Literally I tried courses in Anthropology, Art History, Biology, Business, Criminology, Film Studies, History, Humanities, Human Rights, Religion, Social work, Sociology, and Women's studies. Of course I did this for two bloody hours! Would you like to know why? Because each time I tried to register I ran into one of these problems:
a) I had degree restrictions
b) I needed an A (friggin B+ will haunt be forever)
c) The course no longer existed
d) I needed a prerequisite
e) It was scheduled at the same time as my other courses I couldn't move
f) The course was full
g) The course was full...but it still allows you to click on that box getting your hopes up
h) The course was scheduled at 8:30 in the morning
i) The course was only offered on iTV but since I don't have digital it's not an option
j) This one I love, A warning would come up, but when I went to get help from this long list of warning explanations, it wasn't there. I think I found about three new ones that weren't on the list.
After the first hour I came to think there was a massive conspiracy against me. And by the second hour I knew it was true. Of just a few of the above listed problems, one of the worst was that they didn't offer certain classes this year, or that they don't exist anymore. I tried so hard to get in another history credit, but I think after trying about 6 credits and having them all not offered this year I gave up. I tried taking so many first year stupid intro courses, but I couldn't find any without running into the above mentioned problems.
So out of desperation I just snatched up the only two half credit courses it would allow me to take. One is religion 1205 which is something about different interpretations of religious beliefs from different view points. And secondly, I ended up with Anthropology something...about...something I don't remember (I signed up in a delusional flash) The courses themselves actually don't sound to bad verses some of the desperation attempts I had made before, but they ruin my perfect plan. The only day I had off this term had to be filled by the RELI class and next semester the ANTH class is a stupid night time one which are awful.
So right now I am thoroughly exhausted, pissed off and hungry. And to make matters worse last night I put out the wrong recycling, so I had do the walk of shame to bring it back in the house, but I had forgotten after the morning's events I hadn't really changed from my pj's so as I'm fuming from the registration, and trying very hard not to be seen because im an idiot who put the wrong stuff out, it's starting to dawn on me about the pj situtaion and who comes by? Ah yes my not-it -all anal neighbour pops out of her house. I freeze half down the drive way, spin around at Mach 3 and run back into my house. I eventually got the recycling back in, once I was positive she was gone (most likely staring out her window at that point)
Alas my day has just sucked, and apparently it's supposed to rain tonight...booo
August 07, 2005
Again I have nothing really exciting to report. My dad is fixing up the massive garage/loft thing we have up here so I've been helping him stain some wood and then tack it to the wall (nail guns are fun!). Thrilling really. Usually after that we go for a swim, where the water has been hanging around 30 degrees C. (yes it's very nice and warm)
I did go into town (Renfrew) the other day and did a little shopping. I bought a couple things for Phil (be afraid) and some gum and a movie for myself (hold me back). The movie was the DVD of La femme Nikita. I figured I had a small obsession with the show a while back, I may as well see the movie that had a series spun off it. But it'll probably sit in my room for a month like Constantine, until I find some time alone to watch a movie in peace.
If anyone has an annoying family they'll understand wanting to watch something privately because otherwise you get parents strolling in wanting the entire plot summarized even though there is about 20 min left. Or those awkward sex scenes, that the one 2 minute scene in an entire boring movie, your mom comes in and says something like" oh god what are you watching?!?" So alas I always have to wait till they are gone or if I'm with phil..er..but for some reason we don't always watch the entire movie *cough* *cough*
Well, I best go start packing I can barely contain my excitement...whopie!...okay that was a little fake, lol
miss you all,
kate the great
hehe neary...

August 03, 2005
He beat me claiming it was talent but I know it's because he's a priest. I mean really when god is on your side there's no way you can lose. I was so screwed the minute I started the game with the word "neat". Geez look at me, I'm writing about scrabble! Luckily I am coming home tomorrow, but since I have running theories that half of Ottawa has been wiped out, I'm not sure what I'll be coming back to.
Hope your guys are still alive when I return,
*For more information on black holes, visit Phil...actually I think he's been sucked into one as well, I guess I'll have to start looking for a new bf with the vast selection of local hick boys up here. What isn't sexier than a man who hunts, drinks beer and finds bright orange and camouflage attractive colours? Hold me back.
August 02, 2005
We have a raft you can swim out to and he likes to push everyone off it. So the minute he stepped on the ladder to get up, I jumped off. About a second after I re-emerged, the sun is suddenly blocked out and all I see is my father jumping after me. He thought it would be funny to grab my shoulders and push me down. yah haha dad. I barely had time to take another breath from my original jump, and ended up with so much freaking water up my nose. He made some useless fatherly comment like I shouldn't inhale water and let me be. Thanks.
Well, just thought I'd drop a little hello in my blog. Don't waste your summer people.