I have no heat in my house. Yes you heard correctly, our furnace for some reason decided to kick the bucket, and alas I am to remain cold. Lol, I'm kidding it's really not that cold in here I just have to wear a sweater. But omg Neary thank god you weren't over here....I know about your parents thinking that my house might burn down. Really it is safe. I swear.
Other than that I think I'm haboring the plague...or the bird flu. Whatever it is, it's trying to get me sick, but I won't let it! No siree! I'm not giving up without a fight- I have way too many midterms and papers to write!
Hmm, in other news I actually bought alcohol for the first time. With my ID that is, I just gave people money before hand. And no I'm not planning on getting drunk, it's for my sister whose birthday is tomorrow. Got her some malibu and some phone cards (exciting I know). However, the very funny man (ie NOT funny) was like "you won't be needing this ID...in another 25 years". Come on do I look that young? My sister still gets ID'd and she's almost 24...okay yeah that's not that old. Anyway, I also learned that it's not socially acceptable to be walking around a mall with liquor not in a bag. So I stored it away safely in my inside pocket of my coat (made me feel like an alcoholic, lol)
Arg, I think all this stress is going to give me a heart attack!
Coincidently, I have an exam today. Hmm I wonder... if I could just correlate the data..but first I'd have to come up with operational definitions to define my measures and..NO! Get out of my head useless information!
If I survive, I'll let you guys know how it went.
*UPDATE* Hey I survived! Of course the crazy woman put a crap load a questions on a topic she specifically told us not too study...but hey I only have bigger and brighter things to move on to! (In other words I have papers and more exams, so I don't have time to argue)
Uhg - My life summed up in a word. All my school work is killing me! Midterms, Papers and Projects Oh my! To quote Dave, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Yes, I've lost it.
{off to cry}
...so in the mean time here's a psych joke!
{ah hem, Hermann Rorschach invented the inkblot test} {Oh and I see someone grabbing a flying dog...how about you?}
I woke up feeling pretty sick this morning, so what did I do when I felt better? Took pictures of my room of course! lol. Actually I've been redoing it over the summer and this is what I have so far. (Of course this will only be relevant to the few people who had seen my room before)
(1) My door (yes those are PPG) (2) My bed I've had since I was little (3) My Hectic Desk.................. (4) Say is that a Lost screensaver? (5) *Shudder* soo much reading............ (5) My beautiful Orchid (7) Hmm you like Lost too eh Orchy? ......(6) View out my window (8) End of my bed (yah those are my feet).(8) Behind bed (9) My sponge bob calendar...................(10) And the exit
haha, I just realized half the pictures have nothing to do with the changes in my room...but who cares!
Hope you people are keeping sane in this evil midterm time...
Ohhhh, I'm soo full! All the food. Gunna be sick. Mashed potatoes, corn, brussell sprouts, veggies, stuffing, homemade buns, cooked carrots, cranberry sauce, gravy, squash, pumpkin pie, whip cream...ohh...and of course TURKEY!...Poor little guy...I'm sorry! You just tasted so good :(
Wow I have this really weird feeling going on...I'm not depressed or angry..what could it be? Oh wait I think I'm actually happy! Yes, yes I know this is a rare phenomenon to occur smack in the middle of midterm hell, but still.
It's like my body is releasing happy endorphins ... and I'm liking it! I've just had this overwhelming feeling that none of my midterms and projects are really that bad, and the rest of my life is pretty good so what can I possibly complain about? I'm sure this is the calm before the storm, but for now I'm going to ride it out for as long as I can.
Ahhhhh! I have three midterms, one paper and a giant proposal due all in the next two weeks! Oh how I cry. This sucks because I have enormous problems balancing things. For some reason, I always have to finish something before beginning another. I can't really do that now unless I want to fail miserably.
But you know what keeps me sane? Pure, nonsensical fantasy. Now I'm not alluding to anything inappropriate, I'm yet again talking about tv and movies !!! (yah it doesn't get much better from here you better stop reading now if you disliked my last few blogs..)
But anyway, I just find escaping to a world not your own so exhilarating! Oh course lately I seem to be on a downloading kick. I just downloaded Fantastic 4 and am currently downloading Sin City. My bro showed me a great site where you can download almost anything (movies, tv shows, music..er applications and much much more MUAHAHAH!) So yes life is good in that department.
Now don't go rolling your eyes about me downloading while I have things do. I am getting plenty of studying in and I won't actually watch the movies until I have some free time...so in about 6 years.
So that's what I've been up to...well that and wanting to murder the crows that scream at the top of their lungs between 5:30 am-7ish am. God! I don't know what their problem is but I haven't been able to sleep in because all I can hear is them shrieking. And I'm talking about 25 birds all doing it at the same time! Turf wars maybe??? It smells strangely like a psych experiment. Experimenter: "Let's have really annoying crows shriek for hours early in the morning so Subject A [me] can't get any sleep. After a week we'll test her sanity..." Yah well I'll show them! I'll show them gooooood.
Ah hem...I mean yes all is well.
kate the great