Dear lord how I am bored. I figure this is probably one of the worst times to get reacquainted with old friends. I swear everyone is busy. Phil, bless his heart, works all day and then has to attend night classes. Neary, mysteriously is always busy...I'm betting secret spy stuff...shhh. Casey is always dancing or schooling. My biking buddy has no bike. What has happened here? It's like someone is playing a cruel joke on me.
So here I am stuck like a prisoner in my own home, staring blankly at the walls, hoping someone emails me back or spontaneously combusts. Though, I have put myself in this rut. I don't know when it started, but for the longest time I wouldn't let anyone into my life because all those people would eventually leave. There was emma, with whom I was best friends with forever, but she changed schools in grade 4 and we just couldn't stay in touch. There was Julia, but she moved to Alberta around grade 6. For boys Robert and I somewhere along the line stopped being friends, as well as the Barnes boys who moved to Australia.
Now there was of course the original, unbreakable 5 altavista girls. Me, Julia, Kristina, Serafina, and Carmel, but once we hit high school, we all changed dramatically, and now I'm really not close to any of them. Well, I remained friends with carmel, since I was one of the first people she met when she moved to Ottawa in grade 4, but of course, we started growing apart and Bam! She moves to B.C. So I think around grade 6 I stopped being as social, and started slinking off into the shadows of unsocialdom.
And now in retrospect, I've realized that all the friends I had(minus the three mentioned in teh beginning) in high school were just "school friends" as I like to call them. They were the ones I knew enough about that if we were sitting near each other in class we could be best friends, but when the year ended it was goodbye and so long. This technique sometimes backfired of course and people mistook me, being friendly, for me being their super bestest buddy (aka leslie), so I learned how to give the impression that we were good friends, but not good enough to do things on the weekends. Actually I never did anything with any one on the weekends because it was my break away from all these people.
So as I exited high school and started university, it took me damn near three months to realize one of my biggest problems was that I would go to class and come right home afterwards with no one to talk to. The spare time I did have between classes I would spend alone in the library (yes pathetically sad I know). I luckily made a few new friends, but it still couldn't replace the hole of a mispent life.
I did of course make many new friends at work , but after hell broke loose, I had to distance myself from anything that reminded me of that horrible shit job from hell (still a little sore), so I stopped talking to all the people I met which has helped a bit.
This is why after much thinking, I have decided not to lose the friends I have now. And I must say I have some spectacularly good ones! Neary is an angel, Phil is my hero, Casey...well she's just Casey...and who knows how many more I can have if I just take the time to be at their mercy for once. However, this is where the cruel joke comes into play. I'm willing to try so hard to keep my friends...but they are always too busy. They are doing exactly what I would do to people (not on purpose mind you) and never be available.
It's actually a bit frustrating, it seems I need to expend an awful lot of energy just to do something silly like get together and go shopping or watch a movie. Tv makes it look easy, you call up your girlfriend, ask if they wanna come over for a movie and popcorn, they say yes and it's nothing. In Katie world it's never like that.
So I get stuck sitting here, staring at the wall thinking about stuff I can do alone. You think it would be easy for me...I've done it all my life, but it seems extra hard I guess with 4 months off. I've started to grow some exciting beans and carrots in my backyard. I've been reading a lot. I was thinking about buying a cross stiching kit, just so I could fill my time. Might start playing the piano again. I dunno, I guess I'll have to think harder.
Well, that's the excitingly depressing life of Katie for today...maybe it's the weather..
hope your lives are more thrilling than mine
- K